Saturday, October 22, 2016

One Piece at a Time

We have been building a 3D globe puzzle for the last few years.
You can see it on our Puzzle Page.
Each piece represents a donation, and it's one of many ways we've been recording some of the support and love people have offered on behalf of Sofi.  One day, I will be able to show her.

Cool fact!
Four days before we received the referral phone call for Sofi, we were given a donation that put the first pieces of China on the globe.  It was just a tiny corner, but it included the city where Sofi's orphanage is located.  After years of pieces, we got to add her piece as we found her.

We have 106 pieces left, which will include Tennessee - home. 
That part of the journey is almost here!!

God has built this adoption story - One piece at a time - and He will complete it.

Currently - 434 pieces