Saturday, July 14, 2018

May the Beauty Continue

Yesterday, July 13, we finalized a step in our adoption.  The US requires a "readoption" so you can get a new birth certificate.  We were all pretty nervous about going to court, but we had a great experience.  Judge Hicks and everyone involved were all very kind, and the kids all got to ring an adoption bell.

 It was another great excuse to celebrate Sofi and all God has done.
Donuts and a playground made a great ending.

Today I realized another amazing detail God has woven into this story.  Two years ago on this day, July 13, 2016, was the day we mailed all of our China paperwork.  It was the last step in our wait for a referral.  Also on that day, I saw Sofi's face for the first time.  I didn't know it was her - or for sure that she was my daughter - but I saved that sweet picture in my phone, wondering in my heart what might happen. I recorded that story in this post  last year.

God keeps whispering His faithfulness in the coolest ways.  I can't even fathom the fact that my AWESOME, ALL-POWERFUL GOD would care about dates, emotions, whispers of hope.  Sofi's story is full of these dates and whispers and connections that can only be so intricately woven into one story by GOD.
July 13 - another date that speaks of God's great love.  His great love for Sofi.  Great love for each of us.
So humble yourselves under the mighty power of GOD, and in His good time He will honor you.  Give all your worries and cares to GOD, for He cares about what happens to you."
1 Peter 5:6-7

I am so thankful for this special reminder today.  Our adoption journey had a pretty long start, but the real depth and action of it all was only beginning when we brought Sofi homeWe are so thankful for the miracles we have seen in Sofi's health and stability.  She is amazing, and God has brought her so far in such a short time.  But, there are still struggles and worries in daily life.  And she still has many things to face as she grows.
We still have a lot of hurdles in communication.  Some of it is physical from her repaired cleft palate; some of it is still due to language; other layers still involve her emotional stability/security.  We are about to enter a big step as she begins preschool this fall.  That's a big step for all kids (including my Luke), but it holds some extra considerations and hesitations for her.  I do ask for your prayers.
I ask for your prayers for Sofi's continued healing with her mouth and ability to speak more clearly.  She does have a long way to go, but her gains are remarkable - truly.
Please, as I know so many of you have, continue to pray over our sweet daughter.
In spite of all the beauty God has brought from the ashes, there were ashes that began this story.
May the beauty continue.

He gives beauty for ashes,
strength for fear,
gladness for mourning,
peace for despair.
from Isaiah 6