Sunday, November 24, 2019

Real Thanksgiving

I never dreamed I would spend Thanksgiving in a hotel in China.

Three years ago, we flew out early on a Wednesday morning and finally landed in China on Thursday.  It was Thanksgiving, and we were beyond thankful.  We were only a few days away from finally holding Sofi in our arms.

That Sunday would be her 3rd birthday, and then on Monday we would finally hold her.
After three years, our precious Sofi would be coming home.
November 28, 2016

This year her birthday is Wednesday, and Thanksgiving will mark 3 years together.  It's a milestone, because from Thursday on, we can say she has spent more of her life home than away.
Family is finally taking the majority.

I am still amazed as I look back on God's providence during the trauma of her first years. God literally put Sofi on our hearts at her conception, so we have prayed for our daughter her entire life.  We know things now that prove God answered specific prayers we prayed during that time.

One of my main prayers over and over during those years was that Sofi would always have special people in her life - that somehow in the middle of whatever loss or abandonment she experienced God would bring special love and care into her circumstance.
And He did.

Sofi was found on a street at 2 weeks old.  She had pneumonia and could hardly be fed because of her severe cleft palate.  The orphanage thought she wasn't going to make it, but a person from a non-profit care facility came looking for children who needed medical help.  The orphanage director asked for help for Sofi.  Because that organization was going out and finding the most needy children, Sofi received care outside her orphanage that literally saved her life.
This rescue care and other stories are outrageous when you understand the realities of living in an orphanage. 

Every step of that adoption journey was full of miraculous timing.  Our travel to China could have been delayed into December or more, but all of those phases happened just in time.  Even the matching of Sofi to our family was purely the hand of God.  I could talk and talk about all the details.

And, I do.  I keep telling, because I will always give testimony about the Lord's faithfulness.

Thanksgiving will never be the same.  My spirit overflows with thankfulness.  This year is perfectly beautiful:  Sofi's birthday is Wednesday, and the anniversary of our union as a family is on Thanksgiving day.

May we all treasure the gift of family and show our love to each other during this season.
That's where my heart for adoption began - the love of family.
I am so thankful for the blessing of my family.  My parents and sister began my life with beautiful love, then I have been blessed so greatly with Kevin and our children.  It breaks my heart deeply that all children do not have a family.  May God teach us true thankfulness - A gratitude so deep that we act - Thankfulness displayed in love - Love so deep that it will give and serve and sacrifice.

Because sometimes real thanksgiving takes you on a trip around the world.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


So many of you have loved and prayed for Sofi and for all of us.
Your prayers have been so important to us, and we are thankful for all the love and support!!
Sofi will see all of this someday, so thank you truly for the evidence of love that can transcend the trauma that comes with an adoption story.

It seems like an important time for an update, because Sofi is 5 1/2 and starting Kindergarten.

We have prayed for Sofi (unknowing at the time) since her conception, and finally joined as a family when she turned 3.  The LORD's providence and miracles have been beyond anything we could dream up.  He has blessed us with some backstory through her caregivers and paperwork that reveal miracles connected to our prayers.

Every adoption story is unique and special.  Our family chose adoption very intentionally - for the sake of Sofi and the work of love God could bring to her life through family; and also for the work of transformation we desired in choosing to trust the LORD in this journey.
I have seen God's love work miracles in Sofi, and He has truly transformed - and continues to transform us - as we walk with Him in faith.

Completing the adoption process is huge, but adoption finally begins when the family is together.  That's where more miracles are needed in the healing, growing, and bonding.

God has proven so faithful, and Sofi has overcome so many things physically due to delays from her repaired cleft palate and status of "failure to thrive".  It's amazing, and l love when I get the chance to speak of those transformations.  M.I.R.A.C.L.E.S.

So now, we have entered the very important and exciting time of Kindergarten.
Sofi has blossomed in all ways; displaying many talents, strong intelligence, lots of sweet - mixed with a touch of spicy.  She is precious and becoming bolder.

We have always prayed forward to Kindergarten.  It's such a huge milestone for all kids, and we knew there would be extra things to consider for Sofi.
There's no easy way to explain all the considerations and unknowns parents and children face in adoption/foster care situations.  It comes from a place of brokenness and trauma.  There's no way around that.  There are physical and emotional things that can arise at anytime.  For some kids, there is a steady struggle; some face more of a roller coaster; others have things that surface randomly.
It's a journey that has to be wrapped in prayer and love.

Sofi definitely has some extra challenges as she enters Kindergarten.  Speech and language are the most obvious and physical, but there are other bonding and emotional things as well.

Many of you know, that we have actually made another huge decision for our family at this time.  We have prayed extensively about what will be best for Sofi and our whole family.  There are so many factors with 4 kids and careers.  We couldn't even come close to deciding what would be best logistically.  We literally prayed that God would just show us which way, fully trusting that He would help us with the details after we obeyed.
We have stepped out in faith in choosing to home school for Kindergarten.
I resigned from my teaching position, so I can teach Sofi and Luke as they enter Kindergarten.
Drew and Kate want to continue at MCMS and MCES (8th grade and 5th grade).
Kevin will still be teaching at MCHS.

We are super excited about this adventure.  We are trusting God to help us figure it all out.  We will have to make a lot of changes obviously, but He will guide and provide.

One of the many beautiful blessings God has worked in our family is the special bond of Luke and Sofi.  They are only 6 months apart and best friends.  They are starting Kindergarten together, and that just makes it so perfect.

We do ask that you pray for Sofi.
We know this decision is going to allow her more time, and one-on-one.  It will be an extreme blessing for bonding and growing as a family.  We believe it's the kind of stability she needs right now.
Please pray that I can provide what she needs as a mom and teacher - and also for Drew, Kate, and Luke. (The same as all moms feel.)

It's hard to explain all that has gone into this decision, but we do appreciate your continued prayers and support.
God has proven faithful over and over!  His love for children is always easy to find, and I trust in His providence and provision for all 4 of mine.