Home! 4 months today!
Sofi is amazing, and she continues to change and grow right before our eyes.
It's like watching a flower -
a bud for a time - then suddenly
- in a moment -
a flower appears.
All the beauty - that was always meant to be - springs out to show the world.
So thankful we get to be her world.
Truly the most spectacular part of joining together as a family is watching the kids make special connections.
Sofi adores her brothers and sister, and they love her.
I can't even put all the dynamics into words, but all parents know how cool it is to watch your children bond.
Adoption creates some special scenarios for bonding. Many aspects of adoptive family relationships have to be made very intentionally, and you see the beauty and the stress of the choosing.
Sofi squeals for Drew and Kate like no other. If they are returning home or entering the room, she gives the best squeal of delight.
She loves to follow Kate's dance moves and spend girly times with her.
She looks at Drew like he's a hero, and loves his "rescues".
Sofi and Luke have the most special and natural buddy - twin - friendship.
It's more perfect than I would have ever imagined possible.
They have their "moments", like any brother-sister pair, but their friendship and companionship are beyond words.
I love to watch them play together, and Luke has been a very special gift for Sofi in this transition.
Luke has a precious heart.
I never want to forget these days, and I NEVER want to forget his words and actions.
Sofi has had to very literally find her voice.
She has needed to develop her physical voice, and her personal "voice".
Since the first day we came home, Luke has made sure Sofi's voice was heard.
When Luke asks for something - anything - He says,
"Sofi wants one."
No matter what he is asking for, he knows she also wants and should have whatever he is having.
Every time he asks for a snack, or a toy, or whatever, it's always followed by:
"And Sofi wants one."
Every. Time.
For 4 months now.
It never fails.
I love it.
I simply love it.
God calls us to love like that.
I want to love like that.
My children - all four of them - make my heart explode.
I am blessed and thankful to have them.
I don't take a bit of it for granted.
This time and journey have been hard, and it's still hard,
but I am fully aware and outrageously thankful for each and every miracle.
I never want to forget.