We continue to wait in our adoption process. "Thank you!" to all of you who continue to pray for us and ask about our process. As for now, we don't have any exciting answers. The legal/paperwork process for children in Ethiopia is long and complicated, and we are also on a long waiting list of other families seeking to rescue children. The most informed prediction we have is that our wait is likely a couple of years, but I leave those details up to God. God is so much bigger so I trust in His sovereignty over all things and His peace regardless of the circumstances.
So we continue to be as prepared as possible. Right now that means updating our Home Study and government paperwork. We definitely want to get our sweet Luke added in as a member of our family. He is truly an amazing addition of joy into our home. Our three blessings keep us busy, and I was realizing the other night how quickly life keeps changing. My bubbles keep expanding - you know, the "bubbles" around my babies. The "bubble" that all parents try to have, a place where your kids are safe. The place where you know all and control all. I recently returned to work from my maternity leave. I was prepared for the separation (or as much as a mom can hope to be), and the transition was pretty smooth. Then one night I sat in the dark nursery holding my little chub and realized it. His bubble was expanding. He was moving from my arms into more of the world. I know from experience that my grasp and control are fading. That's tough. I'm responsible for my kids, and I love them beyond words. Then in my emotional state I cried even more thinking about our sweet girl in Africa. We don't know her or where she might be, but she's certainly not in my bubble. I am desperate to get her here where I can keep her safe and loved.
Then the conviction hit. My heart sank as I thought of the mothers with no bubble. Mothers who are desperate to protect and just desperate to feed their precious children. The mothers who would give anything for a job and childcare. It's the truth, and it hurts.
So what's my reality. I am blessed. I have three, soon to be four, amazing children. I have the means to care for them. I have a job that allows me to be near my kids and care for my kids in special ways. My kids have wonderful teachers, and I have the greatest childcare on earth! And I have an everlasting bubble. I can pray and will continue to pray protection over my children (all four of them) for the rest of my life. That bubble never fades, and it covers our little African beauty, even now.
It doesn't end there. My heart breaks for all mothers and all children. I join with all those mothers in their prayers. I also pray for all those children with no mother to pray a bubble around them. Is that too big of prayer? -you may ask. All the mothers? All the children? Not too big for my God. He loves bubbles too.