It's true. Shufflin'. Everyday. Well, shufflin' to music would be normal, but lately... Shufflin' through papers. We have a binder full of adoption paperwork. I shuffle through that thing multiple times everyday, making sure, double-checking, that we are doing exactly what we need to do with each document. International adoption is a crazy process.
Detail after detail.
Well, our goal was to get as much as possible done before school started back. God has really helped us!! This part of the process (the paper chase) is expected to take 4-6 months. I am thrilled to say that after 2 months, we have ONE major document left to chase!
School starts tomorrow, and later this week we should be able to send our application to USCIS for approval. That approval will take some time, but then we will be able to compile our Dossier and send it to Ethiopia!
THANK YOU!!!!! to everyone who has helped us in so many ways. We still have quite a journey in front of us, but each paper and each step forward has felt like a small victory.
Sending the Dossier is also going to require some major payments. God is going to bring us through that, too.
Above all, we would ask for your prayers. Prayers for our sweet, little girl in Ethiopia. Prayers for our family. Prayers for a speedy rescue! Amen.