Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sweet gift

This is a sweet gift from a very excited "Nessa".

The family that surrounds us makes it much easier to understand God's Love. 
That Love and security is at the heart of our decision to adopt.  Every one should know the reality of that kind of Love.  Every one.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Just a glimpse...

Our family already feels like five.  Drew and Kate dream and speak about their little sister as much as we do.  It's hard to describe, and it's very hard not to spend all waking moments in an anxious panic.  There is a day-by-day, moment-by-moment, God-fearing dependence we are walking in. 
We talk about our little girl.  We plan for her.  We worry about her. 
We pray for her.

Just a glimpse... one day, we will know more.  We dream about the day when we will see a picture, see her name.  It's almost more than a heart can stand.

This flower represents that glimpse.  It's a small tangible beauty that is the only image we can cling to for now.  It sits in the middle of our home, and it stirs our hearts every time we see it.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Of all the wishes...

Growing up with a heart for adoption.  That's what God can do!
Of all the wishes a little boy could make....

Monday, March 4, 2013

"Let's be excited!"

"I'm too excited!" That was Kate's response when we told Drew and Kate that we were going to adopt.  She totally verbalized how our family feels.  God spoke to Kevin and is leading our family into an amazing time.  We see and feel God moving in our family and home, but it is so much bigger.  God is bigger.

God's love is transforming our hearts and making us desperate to spread that transformation.

As our kids bounced around the room, Kate snuggled next to Drew and said, "Let's be excited!"
We can't do this alone, and we are excited about seeing a community of believers move for the sake of one child.
We are asking you to join us.  Please help us change a child's life forever.