Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Woven Together

Sofi has been in our hearts for 4 years (+ 4 days).
Today, Sofi has been in our arms for 3 months.

Tomorrow is a new first. I'm going back to work.

I haven't taken a single day for granted.  This time has been precious and important.
I'm thankful for every minute.
I'm thankful that Kevin has helped make it possible.
I'm thankful for the people at school who have covered for me in so many ways.
I'm thankful for the special mommy time I have had for all four kids.

I'm thankful that Ms. Deborah will be there for Sofi tomorrow. Her care has always given me extra peace.
Sofi will also be with Luke, so she will have her best buddy.

It's not easy for this mommy, but I pray Sofi never misses a beat.

It continues to be difficult to explain the enormity of all that has occurred and is happening.
It's beautiful, miraculous, exhausting, unbelievable, and humbling.
I have seen God, felt God, and understood God in brand new ways.

Love is powerful. . . the capital L kind of Love. . . God's Love.

There is no adequate synopsis for these 4 years.
When people want a rundown of our adoption story, I'm speechless.
There's so much!
I mean SO MUCH!

There is one beautiful element that still spins in my mind.
There is a timeline that can't be argued.
There are facts and dates God has woven together in a beautiful space, wrapping the entire globe over this span of time.

Here's a glimpse:

February 2013
Sofi's tiniest bit of life began at conception
24th - Kevin was lead to adopt, specifically internationally, a little girl

October 2013
11th - Our dossier was sent to Ethiopia
30th - Discovered we were pregnant with Luke

November 2013
27th - Sofi was born in Guiyang City, Guizhou China.

December 2013
11th - Sofi was found on a street, 2 weeks old.

There is so much significance in the timing of this year.
Sofi was placed on Kevin's heart at the beginning of her life, so we could pray for her. We have prayed specific prayers for her ever since that first day.
She has been covered in our love and prayers. Always.
Also, Luke came at the most perfect time - for so many reasons.
He was God's plan, and we continue to see how amazing this plan is.  (Have you seen our "twins"?!!!)

May 2015
28th - I blogged about the intense feeling I was having to pray for Sofi.
        - Sofi was having cleft palate surgery.

February 2016
We felt led to change to the China program.  We began paperwork for a dossier to China.

August 2016
9th -After some delays and worrying, our dossier was officially in China.

September 2016
9th - We received a referral for Sofi!

November 2016
11th - Travel Approval from China!!! - Absolute miracle timing!
Thanksgiving - arrive in China
27th - Sofi's 3rd birthday
28th - Finally holding Sofi.

God directed us to Ethiopia.  Laws and government closed that door, but that was not a detour.
The timing of it all allowed us to perfectly prepare and be matched with Sofi and to pray for her.
We were on the China waiting list exactly one month before her referral was given to us.
God directed all steps and papers.
Even that one month wait was extremely and surprisingly short. - perfectly timed.
Travel Approval came on the deadline day for Thanksgiving travel.  It was a miracle in more ways than I can explain. 

These are truths and logistics.  There is also so much my spirit has known along the way.
I've tried to share those things throughout the journey, but I feel like I could scream from the roof how awesome God is!!

The journey shows God's love for Sofi.
Knowing her proves it even more.
Her physical and emotional healing have given evidence to the prayers God has answered even before she came home.
Sofi has always been known by her caregivers for her smile.  The name she was given when she was found meant she was happy and comfortable. During the referral phone call, our agency wanted us to know that.
Two weeks old, failure to thrive and pneumonia, and my precious daughter was called "happy".
We have prayed not just for her circumstances, but we have specifically prayed for our daughter to be held and comforted by God.  We have asked Him to hold her, and I can tell you without a doubt that we see evidence that He did.
We have lots of pictures of her from her very gracious caregivers.  Each picture shows her sweet smiles. The director of her care facility specifically spoke to me about the smile and demeanor she had since the first day.
Coming home, she has understood love in a way that she should not really be able to.  She is able to give love in a way that is beyond expectation.

Again, there is just so much.
I could write for days, and I could talk for hours.
But, if you have seen Sofi, I don't have to convince you.
Answered prayers.
God's love poured out.

I am forever grateful for the gift of Sofi.
I am so glad He wove us together across the globe.