Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Lord's purpose will prevail.

Well, I want to drop a little update and ask for prayers.
Adoption paperwork has a very unique stress.
Details, timelines, personal info and evaluation
And, every completed step must line up in a certain way in a certain time frame.  Even one glitch can set you back weeks (and weeks feel like years).
We have actually been in an unforeseen delay the last few weeks.  An error from U.S. Immigration created some issues that have set us back.  Waiting is hard, but the added worry of an error is even more unsettling.  In the grand scheme of it all, not massive, but it's definitely a current stress as we move closer to some deadlines. 
We are so anxious to complete our Dossier of paperwork and send it to China.

So, two things:
1.  The "unforeseen" descriptor above is from my perspective.
God knows every detail.  He's never fazed, and He's been holding me close.  My planning mode shifts to worry very quickly, so I am constantly seeking Him.  He is quick to comfort, and His presence and Word are the only things that keep me from panic. (not exaggerating)
This is a pic of the calendar over my desk.  I erased it.
I erased the numbers and appointments that were staring me in the face, and I replaced them with Proverbs 19:21.

"You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail."  Proverbs 19:21

Scripture is powerful.  God's promises are true.  My God is sovereign in this process and in all things.  I believe it, and I cling to it.
Timing is a HUGE piece in the adoption process, and "The Lord's purpose will prevail."

2.  Please pray with us and for us.  Prayer is powerful, and we need it.  Our little girl needs it as she waits for us.  Thank you for praying!!

Thank you for praying with us, supporting us, and being a part of our journey.